Tyco Re-establishes Credibility Through Six Sigma
It has been more than two years since the Tyco management scandal, but for CEO Ed Breen and the rest of Tyco’s executive staff, the challange of re-establishing credibility is a long road. After replacing the senior corporate management, Breen has been hard at work trimming and restructuring the ailing company. While outsourcing some management work has certainly yielded benefits, Breen credits his existing managements increased operating excellence, achieved through Six Sigma, for much of the company’s rebound. IndustryWeek.com Reports:
The second area is what I would call the operating excellence or operating intensity area. And under that falls Six Sigma, strategic sourcing, the rationalization of our real estate footprint and our focus on improving working capital. [Operating excellence] is really a catalyst, and what I would say is a culture of how we want to run this company for continuous improvement.