Six Sigma process management: A tool to prioritize problems and build solutions

The Six Sigma process management has been an effective method for cutting costs and enhancing business processes for several decades now. However, misconceptions persist regarding the concept and its implementation. To remove such misconceptions, Rowland Hayler and Michael Nichols have published their research in a book called What is Six Sigma Process Management?

The authors are working actively on Six Sigma implementation, and they bring their experience to show how Six Sigma can help organizations improve customer satisfaction and meet business challenges. According to the book, Six Sigma provides businesses and their managers with methods to prioritize problems, and then develop solutions. Six Sigma provides companies with the right perspective regarding the problems, and a checklist of queries that need to be asked when addressing the problems. Bangkok Post reports:

It offers insights on process management, including identifying critical customer process metrics, guidelines to improve customer satisfaction by identifying customer-seen failures, ways to enhance overall business improvement strategy and insights on how future SSPM developments can address modern business challenges.

Read More: Not a black art but a sound strategy

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September 17, 2005 in Presentations | Permalink

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