The study phase Often overlooked, the study phase is the most important Software Implementation Steps for the success of your project but also the riskiest. 1. State of play This step is primarily awareness. It allows you to identify the problems and the uses to which your future ERP will have to adapt. The State...
We at the Six Sigma Blog strive to give you quality management software reviews that’s why we often say that Lean practitioners ignore the true potential of the Lean technology. They fail to recognize that Lean technology can bring in creating a Lean environment so that a simple review of Lean Manufacturing will help in identifying the...
Six Sigma Training There has been an increased interest in Six Sigma in recent years. There are several software implementation steps processes that will help you learn how poor quality harms your business. Six Sigma training will enable you explore what Six Sigma means and the critical elements of the approach. You will gain an...
Software reviews for small business can reduce the downtime on equipment, streamline sales and customer service as well as reduces inventory levels. Thats why Six Sigma makes sense for project management software for small business. These concepts also allow free flow of cash. The manufacturing and processing plant is the only piece of equipment on the floor...