Six Sigma shows promise of growth in 2007

If a recent survey is to be believed Six Sigma seems to be working for companies. iSixSigma Magazine recently published a report on the acceptance levels and growth in the adoption and implementation of Six Sigma in a wide variety of companies. The magazine interviewed at least 1500 respondents hailing from a wide cross section of companies. The report stated that nearly half of the companies that are already using Six Sigma intend to proceed with their current level of training and staffing for 2007. And over one third of the same base is working on increasing the training investment.

It was found that less than 20% of the respondents reported that they wish to lower their expenditure on training and staffing. If one were to consider the entire base, the magazine has ensured that it has a good representation of respondents from the entire spectrum of the industry. In a nut shell, the report signals that the Six Sigma industry is thriving and has a great future. Market Wire reports:

“Despite this strong level of commitment among companies using Six Sigma, there is still a lot of reluctance to get involved by those who have not made a commitment yet. “Just over half (53%) of the companies who were not yet involved in Six Sigma planned to do so at some point in the future, and 47% said they had no plans to do so.”


Lean Six Sigma for Medical Device Manufacturing Excellence Conference

Leading quality professionals across the globe will attend the IQPC’s Lean Six Sigma for Medical Device Manufacturing Excellence Conference. The conference will be held on September 26-28 at the Hilton San Diego. The event will bring together top pharmaceutical companies of the world. They will share case studies and insights on best strategies for process integration, management buy-in, project selection and management. They will also discuss issues such as compliance and benchmarking. The program will include 14 end-user speaker sessions, two interactive panel discussions and five workshops by reputed consultants.


Salary Survey on Six Sigma Professionals

We always discuss the Six Sigma methodology, its concepts and the implementations in the organizations. Until now, we focused on the benefits Six Sigma for the organizations. Now it is time to analyze the benefits Six Sigma brings to the professionals. The survey announced in July gives a clear picture of the Six Sigma Compensation structure. According to the survey, there are seven key Six Sigma jobs. They include the following the important jobs:

• Top Six Sigma Executive
• Director of Deployment
• Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Compensation levels for the top three jobs depend on the revenue generated by the company. They earn a significant premium as compared to other Six Sigma professionals. Interestingly, pay levels for Six Sigma professionals working in the northeast and west coast are higher than those in other parts of the United States. Don’t you think that with a greater pay structure, Six Sigma profession is very lucrative? However, the job is very challenging, as the professionals take the responsibility of improving the quality and productivity of the organization.


CIGNA Launches Innovation Lab To Provide Six-sigma Service

CIGNA Corp. has announced the release of an Innovation Lab that is designed to develop integrated Six Sigma end-to-end service for medical, dental, pharmacy and other health care providers. CIGNA is a provider of employee benefits offered through the workplace. The company said that the Lab would have 100 specially trained consumer advisors representing CIGNA’s service and product teams to discuss health benefit and related financial information with consumers. It will help them optimize their health, benefits and plan selections.

According to Trading Markets –

The company’s first customer for the product is Big Y Foods in Springfield. Big Y is one of the largest independently owned supermarket chains in New England and currently operates 54 stores throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts with over 9,000 employees.


Asian Six Sigma Summit 2006

The Asian Six Sigma Summit 2006 will be held in Singapore. The summit will focus on the need of improvement of quality to survive in the marketplace. Six Sigma not only focuses on quality improvements, but also helps in defining the processes with a customer-centric approach. Six Sigma is not an easy methodology to deploy. It is very important to understand the methodologies and tools available. Individuals, who work on Six Sigma deployments, gain support from the business leaders and the project team. The Asian Six Sigma Summit will cover all aspects of Six Sigma process and its deployment. Over a hundred Six Sigma, Quality and Business Excellence practitioners and experts from all over the Asia Pacific attended the Asian Six Sigma Summit last year. This year, the attendance is expected increase substantially.


Six Sigma Global Inc. to appear on World Business Review TV Series

According to Multi-Media Productions, Inc., Six Sigma Global Inc. will appear on World Business Review TV series hosted by Alexander Haig. World Business Review will explore how Six Sigma Global has taken the DMAIC methodology to the next level to guide managers in making intelligent decisions based on qualified and quantified information. Most companies have a vision to take their company to the highest level. The Six Sigma methodology trains the leadership of these companies to enable their teams in achieving those visions through the strategic approach of the DMAIC process. Business Wire has published an article on the Same Topic.

Six Sigma Global has been working in the field of Quality, Continuous Improvement, and Problem Solving since 1999. We have trained, supported and mentored over 3000 highly successful Executives, Champions, Black Belts and Green Belts in the field of Six Sigma.


Six Sigma Deployment in IT Process

There have been efforts in improving the IT processes and Six Sigma plays an important role in it. Companies that have been using Six Sigma for a long time are more likely to direct projects on improving IT processes than that have been using Six Sigma for a short period. They emphasize on integrating IT methods with Six Sigma and on aligning IT projects with business priorities. Most companies say that they use Six Sigma to improve IT processes. When other projects led to IT-based solutions, they were rarely implemented. Market Wire has published an article on the Same Topic.

“Only 17 percent of the more than 950 respondents said that their companies always or usually use Six Sigma to improve IT processes,” said Marx, “And when other projects led to IT-based solutions, they were rarely implemented — either because of the perceived cost or a lack of priority placed on IT.”


The Global Six Sigma Awards: The winner takes it all

The Global Six Sigma Awards Dinner on June 28 at the Venetian Resort, Las Vegas, will see 31 contestants in different categories vie for top honors. Also figuring at the ceremony will be the Six Sigma CEO of the Year Award, which is the premium category at the event. The judges have already announced the winner in this top category: Jill M. Considine, Chairman & CEO, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC). Ms Considine was selected after an evaluation of over 30 global organizations.

The other awards will recognize excellence in the fields of Manufacturing, Service & Transactional Environments, Healthcare, Financial Services, Government and Defense, Integration of Lean and Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma, Innovation through Six Sigma, and Six Sigma compliance. Yahoo Finance reports:

The Gala Dinner coincides with WCBF’s Global Six Sigma Summit (, the largest gathering of CEOs and senior executives passionate about Six Sigma.


Six Sigma Financial Services Conference

The Worldwide Conventions and Business Forums (WCBF), will hold the third Annual Six Sigma in Financial Services Conference in New York on May11-12, 2006. This is heralded as the largest and most highly regarded Six Sigma event in the industry, and is ideal for you if your organization is looking for some insight into the use of Six Sigma in Financial Services. To manage your business for process excellence, you can register using the form on the WBCF website.


eTQM hosts international conference on Six Sigma in Dubai

The two-day international conference on Six Sigma, the first in its genre, opened in Dubai. Participants include leading exponents of Six Sigma process implementation belonging to business spheres such as TQM, Business Management, and CRM. The meet is being hosted by the e-TQM College Advisory Board, which has initiated many steps to increase awareness of TQM practices.

The venue is itself significant, because several business enterprises in the region are growing into multinational proportions, and Six Sigma quality assurance can help improve their business processes and reduce defects.

Six Sigma has come a long way since its implementation by Motorola in 1986, and global leaders—including Ford, Microsoft, Caterpillar, Raytheon, Siemens, Merrill Lynch and 3M—have benefited from the positive impact of Six Sigma principles.