Survey Shows Six Sigma Delivers Profits
While the value of Six Sigma implementation is already widely known, the monetary benefits for a single company to train an individual are rarely quantified. A recently released survey entitled The Customer Dashboard, however, attempts to rectify this gap. It indicates that 86% of Six Sigma Black Belts contributed $500,000 to annual performance goals, while almost one in three (32%) contribute $5 million. The survey also touts the benefits of Six Sigma on an anecdotal basis, allowing the effects of the program to be seen within a single company. PR Newswire Reports:
Six Sigma implementation enabled a top company to save $400 million in costs- translating into a profit of $100 million. The long-run annual goal is to save $7 to $10 billion, resulting in an earnings increase of $5 billion.
Read More: Lean & Six Sigma: From the Top to the Troops – Case Studies in Excellence
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March 8, 2005 in Quality, Training | Permalink
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