Six Sigma salaries flat over the period 2005-2006, but still lucrative

In its most recent issue, iSixSigma Magazine has published the third annual iSixSigma Global Six Sigma Salary Survey. According to the findings of this survey, which took into consideration the feedback from more than 2400 Six Sigma professionals, the salaries of Six Sigma professional has remained static over the last year.

As Market Wire reports, this trend is seen across certifications of Black Belts, Master Black Belts, and Deployment Leaders. The only segment that showed appreciable upward movement in the salary trend is Champions—the survey indicated that the salary for champions increased by approximately $25,000.

In spite of the more or less flat trend of Six Sigma salaries, the profession continues to be an attractive wage earner, with Black Belts earnings to the tune of $75,000, and other categories drawing figures close to $101,000–$106,000. Experience is an important criterion that employers are looking for; more the experience, higher the salary offered.

Another deciding factor for the salary offered is the industry sector a Six Sigma professional is working in. The noticeable trend is that sectors such as IT, advertising/marketing, and pharmaceuticals have more to offer to Black Belts, while industries such as healthcare, financial services and aerospace/defense are more lucrative for Master Black Belts.